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Program – Acces la literatura științifică ediția a 5-a. Romanian International Conference for Research and Education – a treia zi

octombrie 27, 2017

08:30 – 09:00 Registration & Welcome coffee
Location: Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu”
Address: Strada Păcurari 4, 700511 Iași, Romania
09:00 – 09:50 Conference Opens
Special Session ― Dis-Cover the Soul of Science: How Virtual Reality Could Revolutionise the Way We Understand the World
Intro: Dorin Brindescu, Managing Partner, Enformation
Abstract: The technology of Virtual Reality will be mainstream in a few years, many even call it the “final medium”. Virtual Reality enables the User to travel into unknown worlds and learn about them with body, mind and soul. It doesn’t obey to categories such as education, origin, age or gender – and may open the gateway for a totally new way of learning about and understanding the world.
(Open Q&A section)
Anna Mauersberger, Educational Innovator and Ontological Coach
10:00 – 11:15 Plenary Session Three ― Innovation in Education and Information Literacy
Chair: Prof. univ. dr. ing., dr. marketing Angela Repanovici, Transilvania University of Brașov
Abstract: With the help of our guests we would like to build a connection back and forth, showing the value of education in research. Our guests will share with the auditorium some of the projects and experiences that are trying to bring the research field and vision closer to the students in primary, secondary and upper education.
(Open Q&A section)
Dr. Alexandru Roja, Assistant Professor, West University of Timișoara
Paul Balogh, CEO & Cofounder, Learn Forward Ltd, UK
Ionuț Panea, Founder, AutoVortex (TBC)
Prof. univ. dr. Varujan Pambuccian, Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, UB (TBC)
11:15 – 11:30 Refreshments
11:30 – 13:00 Plenary Session Four ― Education is Key to Social and Economic Growth
Chair: Dorin Brindescu, Managing Partner, Enformation
Abstract: Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people’s understanding of themselves and world, it improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises people’s productivity and creativity and promotes technological advances. Our guests will share with the auditorium some of their projects and ideas in helping build our future by paying a closer attention to the future generations.
(Open Q&A section)
Anselm Maria Van Sellen, Director of Studies, Europahaus Marienberg Centre
Sergiu Penciu, Partnership Development Manager, BCR
Dr. Andreia Petcu, Cofounder, Learning by Teaching Association
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch & Networking
Location: Akademos Restaurant
Address: Strada Păcurari, Strada Anastasie Fătu 1, 700511 Iași, Romania
14:30 – 15:30 Special Session ― Lightning Talks – Students Coming to the Rescue of Our Education System
Chair: Iulian Țanea, Trainer, Enformation
Abstract: Five gifted students will share in lightning presentations their ideas on the present and future of the education field, how they would like the Education System to help them build their future and even some of their project proposals that would benefit us all. With the help of the auditorium we will organise a voting section and award the best presentation with the Conference Award. Let`s say this is our idea of Oscar’s for the Best Student Performance on stage in a research and education conference.
Olivia Betina Pădurean, Student, Samuel von Brukenthal National College, Sibiu
Darius Ștefan, Student, CNB High School, Timișoara
Smaranda Moroșanu, Student, National College Iași, Iași
15:30 – 17:15 Plenary Session Five ― The Future of Education
Chair: Dorin Brindescu, Managing Partner, Enformation
Abstract: The days of the one-room classroom are almost gone, but the changes in education over the next 25 years may not even include „walls”. Nobody knows of what’s yet to come but instead of being scared of the future we might help shape our children’s education. Our guests will share and discuss their view on the topic with the auditorium.
(Open Q&A section)
Dr. Liliana Hadji, Founder, Gritty Education Association
Alexandra Anton, Founder, YuppyKoti Centre
Ștefania Ureche, Social Erasmus Coordinator, ESN Iași
Gail Clement, Head of Research Services, Caltech
17:15 – 17:30 Conclusions Session
*There might be last minute changes to our current Agenda.


octombrie 27, 2017